Arizona Jr/Sr Private High School
Tucson Campus

1051 N. Kolb Rd. Tucson, Arizona 85710

Campus Contacts

DISTRICT OFFICE: 928-567-7115
Zuly Ramos (Site Admin):

Please call our district office if you have any questions or need help.

Office Hours

MON-THU 9 am – 4 pm

Arizona Jr/Sr Private High School
Tucson Campus Location

Located approximately 3.5 hours away from our district office in Camp Verde, the Arizona Jr/Sr Private High School Tucson campus offers a safe and engaging environment for Southern Arizona students who are dedicated to academic success. With experienced educators and access to a wide range of course electives alongside our exceptional core curriculum, students are empowered to achieve their educational goals.  Contact us today to learn more about our academic services or to join our community of lifelong learners.

Arizona Jr/Sr Private High School Cottonwood campus entrance

Academic Programs at Our Tucson Campus

Affordable Private High School in Tucson
Scholarship Opportunities For Students in Grades 6-12

Private Jr/Sr High School

Students in grades 7-12 can attend in-person classes at any one of our three campuses under the supervision of our dedicated and experienced educators. Online platforms allow students to work at their own pace while in the classroom and also at home, with a deadline given for semester course completion. The flexible pace enables students to progress according to their learning styles and capabilities.

Independent Study

Our older students in grades 9-12 who are self-motivated and committed to learning have the option to complete their schooling at home with independent study. Coursework is done via traditional paper and pencil with credit given for written packets completed and returned to our educators. Students have access to our online academic resources and can request assistance from our staff as needed.

Adult Private High School

Adults ages 22 and older can return to school and achieve an affordable, accredited high school diploma with our pay-as-you-go Adult High School program. Academic courses are completed via traditional pen/paper through independent study and with credit given for submitted work. Assistance from a tutor is available, and our adult high school students can request help as needed.

Contact Arizona Jr/Sr Private High School

Private high school in Tucson, AZ


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